Social Justice Foundation NPC is also a registered non-profit organisation in terms of the Non-profit Organisations Act 71 of 1997 at the Department of Social Development with Section 18A status.
We understand the challenges in a changing society, where families face difficulties because of divorce, relationship break-up, single parenting and the financial constraints associated with many of these challenges.
About Social Justice Maintenance Services
Social Justice Maintenance Services is driven by passionate key individuals who understand the challenges in a changing society, where families face difficulties because of divorce, relationship break-up, single parenting, and the financial constraints associated with many of these cases.
The Challenge
We live in a society where 67% of children do not grow up with both biological parents in one household. This figure represents about 13 million children in SA and it places a heavy burden on the capacity of the maintenance court system to attend to maintenance cases.
Social Justice Maintenance Services believes that the challenges with the current maintenance system can be addressed by a combined effort between relevant stakeholders including the government, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms such as mediation, credit providers, and consumers affected by maintenance orders.
Our Vision
Through transformative social innovation we introduce new approaches to seemingly intractable problems. Our solutions will be successful in changing the social institutions that created the problem in the first place.

Our History
We started out dealing with maintenance matters in alternative ways in 2006. We have a proven track record of assisting thousands of families in resolving their family disputes. By 2009 we have already dealt with more than 10 000 families in resolving family disputes creatively and effectively, without unnecessary judicial intervention. We have developed various training programs on different topics relating to alternative dispute resolution (ADR) for families and we have trained more than 3000 individuals in ADR skills in family disputes, in both the public and private sectors.
- We have trained more than 3000 professionals in mediation and ADR
- In some regions, the mediators we trained assist on average 12 000 on families per quarter, impacting on about 48 000 families or 96 000 individuals annually